

Promises in Node.js: An alternative to callbacks

Callbacks are the simplest possible mechanism for handling asynchronous code in JavaScript. Yet, raw callbacks sacrifice the control flow, exception handling, and function semantics that developers are familiar with in synchronous code:

// Asynchronous operations return no meaningful value
let noValue = fs.readFile('file1.txt', function(err, buf) {
  // Errors are explicitly handled every time
  if (err) return handleErr(err)
  fs.readFile('file2.txt', function(err2, buf2) {
    if (err2) return handleErr(err2) = 'bar' // Exceptions like this ReferenceError are not caught

    // Sequential operations encourage heavy nesting
    fs.readFile('file3.txt', function(err3, buf3) {
      if (err3) return handleErr(err3)

Promises offer a way to get that control back with:

Still, promises can be confusing, so you may have written them off or skipped directly to async/await, which adds new syntax to JavaScript for promises. Yet, understanding how promises work and behave at a fundamental level will help you make the most of them.

In this article, we cover the basics of promises, including what they are, how to create them and how to use them most effectively.

Promises in the abstract

First, let’s look at the behavior of promises: What are they and how can they be useful? Then we’ll discuss how to create and use promises.

What is a promise? Let’s look at a definition:

A promise is an abstraction for asynchronous programming. It’s an object that proxies for the return value or the exception thrown by a function that has to do some asynchronous processing. – Kris Kowal on JSJ

The core component of a promise object is its then method. The then method is how you get the return value (known as the fulfillment value) or the exception thrown (known as the rejection reason) from an asynchronous operation. then takes two optional callbacks as arguments, which we’ll call onFulfilled and onRejected:

let promise = doSomethingAync()
promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected)

onFulfilled and onRejected trigger when the promise resolves (the asynchronous processing has completed). One of these functions will trigger because only one resolution is possible.

Callbacks to promises

Given this basic knowledge of promises, let’s take a look at a familiar asynchronous Node callback:

readFile(function(err, data) => {
  if (err) return console.error(err)

If our readFile function returned a promise, we would write the same logic as:

let promise = readFile()
promise.then(console.log, consoler.error)

At first glance, it looks like the aesthetics changed. But, we now have access to a value representing the asynchronous operation (the promise). We can pass around the promise in code like any other value in JavaScript. Anyone with access to the promise can consume it using then regardless of whether the asynchronous operation has completed or not. We also have guarantees that the result of the asynchronous operation won’t change somehow, as the promise will resolve once (either fulfilled or rejected).

It’s helpful to think of then not as a function that takes two callbacks (onFulfilled and onRejected), but as a function that unwraps the promise to reveal what happened from the asynchronous operation. Anyone with access to the promise can use then to unwrap it. For more about this idea, read Callbacks are imperative, promises are functional: Node’s biggest missed opportunity.

Chaining and nesting promises

The then method itself returns a promise:

let promise = readFile()
let promise2 = promise.then(readAnotherFile, console.error)

This promise represents the return value for its onFulfilled or onRejected handlers, if specified. Since one resolution is possible, the promise proxies the triggered handler:

let promise = readFile()
let promise2 = promise.then(
  function(data) {
    return readAnotherFile() // If readFile was successful, let's readAnotherFile
  function(err) {
    console.error(err) // If readFile was unsuccessful, let's log it but still readAnotherFile
    return readAnotherFile()
promise2.then(console.log, console.error) // The result of readAnotherFile

Since then returns a promise, it means promises can chain together to avoid the deep nesting of callback hell:


Still, promises can nest if keeping a closure alive is important:

readFile().then(function(data) {
  return readAnotherFile().then(function() {
    // Do something with `data`

Promises and synchronous functions

Promises model synchronous functions in important ways. One such way is using return for continuation instead of calling another function. The previous examples returned readAnotherFile() to signal what to do after readFile().

If you return a promise, it will signal the next then when the asynchronous operation completes. You can also return any other value and the next onFulfilled will get the value as an argument:

  .then(function (buf) {
    return JSON.parse(buf.toString())
  .then(function (data) => {
    // Do something with `data`

Error handling in promises

You also can use the throw keyword and get try/catch semantics. This may be one of the most powerful features of promises. For example, consider the following synchronous code:

try {
} catch (err) {

In this example, if doThis() or doThat() would throw an error, we would catch and log the error. Since try/catch blocks allow grouped operations, we can avoid having to explicitly handle errors for each operation. We can do this same thing asynchronously with promises:

  .then(undefined, console.error)

If doThisAsync() is unsuccessful, its promise rejects, and the next then in the chain with an onRejected handler triggers. In this case, it’s the console.error function. And like try/catch blocks, doThatAsync() would never get called. This is an improvement over raw callbacks where you have to handle errors explicitly at each step.

But, it gets better! Any thrown exception–implicit or explicit–from the then callbacks is also handled in promises:

  .then(function(data) { = 'bar' // Throws a ReferenceError as foo is not defined
  .then(undefined, console.error)

Here, the raised ReferenceError triggers the next onRejected handler in the chain. Pretty neat! Of course, this works for explicit throw as well:

  .then(function(data) {
    if (!data.baz) throw new Error('Expected baz to be there')
  .catch(console.error) // The catch(fn) is shorthand for .then(undefined, fn)

An important note with error handling

As stated earlier, promises mimic try/catch semantics. In a try/catch block, it’s possible to mask an error by never explicitly handling it:

try {
  throw new Error('Never will know this happened')
} catch (e) {}

The same goes for promises:

readFile().then(function(data) {
  throw new Error('Never will know this happened')

To expose masked errors, a solution is to end the promise chain with a simple .catch(onRejected)clause:

  .then(function(data) {
    throw new Error('Now I know this happened')

Third-party libraries include options for exposing unhandled rejections.

Promises in the concrete

Our examples have used promise-returning dummy methods to illustrate the then method from ES6/2015 and Promises/A+. Let’s turn now and look at more concrete examples.

Converting callbacks to promises

You may be wondering how to create a promise in the first place. The API for creating a promise isn’t specified in Promise/A+ because it’s not necessary for interoperability. ES6/2015 did standardize a Promise constructor which we will come back to. One of the most common cases for using promises is converting existing callback-based libraries. Here, Node has a built-in utility function, util.promisify, to help us.

Let’s convert one of Node’s core asynchronous functions, which take callbacks, to return promises instead using util.promisify:

const util = require('util')
const fs = require('fs')
let readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile)

let promise = readFile('myfile.txt')
promise.then(console.log, console.error)

Creating raw promises

You can create a promise using the Promise constructor as well. Let’s convert the same fs.readFile method to return promises without using util.promisify:

const fs = require('fs')
function readFile(file, encoding) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    fs.readFile(file, encoding, function(err, data) {
      if (err) return reject(err) // Rejects the promise with `err` as the reason
      resolve(data) // Fulfills the promise with `data` as the value

let promise = readFile('myfile.txt')
promise.then(console.log, console.error)

Making APIs that support both callbacks and promises

We have seen two ways to turn callback code into promise code. You can also make APIs that provide both a promise and callback interface. For example, let’s turn fs.readFile into an API that supports both callbacks and promises:

const fs = require('fs')
function readFile(file, encoding, callback) {
  if (callback) return fs.readFile(file, encoding, callback) // Use callback if provided
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    fs.readFile(file, encoding, function(err, data) {
      if (err) return reject(err)

If a callback exists, trigger it with the standard Node style (err, result) arguments.

readFile('myfile.txt', 'utf8', function(er, data) {
  // ...

Doing parallel operations with promises

We’ve talked about sequential asynchronous operations. For parallel operations, ES6/2015 provides the Promise.all method which takes in an array of promises and returns a new promise. The new promise fulfills after all the operations have completed. If any of the operations fail, the new promise rejects.

let allPromise = Promise.all([readFile('file1.txt'), readFile('file2.txt')])
allPromise.then(console.log, console.error)

It’s important to note again that promises mimic functions. A function has one return value. When passing Promise.all two promises that complete, onFulfilled triggers with one argument (an array with both results). This may surprise you; yet, consistency with synchronous counterparts is an important guarantee that promises provide.

Making promises even more concrete

The best way to understand promises is to use them. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Further resources

This article originally was published on the IBM Developer blog.

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Marc is the co-author of Node.js in Action and Node.js in Practice. He enjoys learning and writes technical stuff here and for IBM. Currently plays around with Go, TypeScript and Rust. Works as a full-stack engineer for @applieddataconsultants.